Week in Weird 8-21-23

Welcome back to a new Week in Weird! The guys talk haunted appliances, MORE killer fungi, and drunken monkeys!

Cogito Ergo Doleo

Find more info about the show at https://www.supernaturalselectionpod.com/

Our sponsor this week is https://alterxartifact.com/comic/alter-x-artifact/

Support us on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/supernaturalselection

Theme music by FC Music Studios - https://soundbetter.com/profiles/408824-fc-music-studios

Check out some good friends of the show!

Flagged for Content: https://linktr.ee/flaggedforcontent

Spooky Dice Bag: https://spookydicebag.com/


Waverly Hills Sanatorium


The Distraction Hole #7 - El Kermit Diablo